Saturday, March 31, 2012

Best herbal tea for Cough & Sore Throat

Cough & Sore Throat Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Eucalyptus, Willow Bark, Wild Cherry Bark and Goldenseal.
  • Eucalyptus - When inhaled, the steam from the eucalyptus tea can help alleviate chest infections and a host of respiratory and pulmonary ailments like colds, emphysema, whooping cough and asthma.
  • Willow Bark - Fever associated with cold and flu and relief from headaches, cold and the flu.
  • Wild Cherry Bark - May help fight cough, bronchitis, pertussis and other problems in the respiratory system. It is largely considered an expectorant and a cleaner of the air passages.
  • Goldenseal - It has been known as an effective antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Effective herbal relief for Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Renovation Tea
Ingredients: Chamomile, Passionflower, Lemon Balm and Valerian
  • Chamomile: May act as a relaxant and sleep aid. A possible contributor to sleep apnea is sinus irritation. The soothing qualities of chamomile can help relieve this irritation of the sinuses.
  • Passionflower: May have a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. Passionflower can also act as an anti-spasmodic and soothe muscles, which ia an added benefit for pain relief.
  • Lemon Balm: May act as a sedative, the calming effect of lemon balm promotes relaxation for a good night's sleep. Lemon balm may also help with anxiety and stress due to its relaxing qualities, improving the quality of your sleep.
  • Valerian Root: Is known for its calming and relaxing properties, which create a restful sleep. Valerian is used to help a person get to sleep as well as improving the quality of sleep. Plus, it is not addictive!
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fighting Depression?

Depression Renovation Tea

Ingredients: St. John’s Wort, Kava Kava, Gingko, Eleuthero and Peppermint.
  • St. John’s Wort - Prevents nerve cells from reabsorbing serotonin, similar to that of conventional antidepressants.
  • Kava Kava - It is a powerful muscle relaxer and analgesic.
  • Gingko - Is able to enhance serotonin reuptake at serotonin receptor sites, increasing protein synthesis and antioxidant effects . The University of Maryland Medical Center says that clinical studies suggest that ginkgo provides improvement in the areas of cognitive function, daily living, social behaviors and feelings of depression in the elderly.
  • Eleuthero - Is often included in anti-anxiety herbal combinations. It is an energizer but also relaxes and nourishes the nerves.
  • Peppermint - Has energizing and uplifting properties.        
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Effective Menopausal Tea

Menopausal Relief

Ingredients: Red Clover Blossom, Dong Quai, Black Cohosh and Vitex Berries.
  • Red Clover Blossom - Containing phytoestrogens, which are hormone-like substances, found in certain plants, red clover blossom is wonderful for treatment of vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
  • Dong Quai - Dilates our blood vessels and thereby increases our blood flow. This helps to relieve hot flashes and vaginal dryness. It can also assist in regulating the levels of estrogen in our bodies, which assist in relieving many menopause symptoms. It also has sedative qualities that will help reduce mood swings and stress related to menopause.
  • Black Cohosh – May help ease the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort. Among these symptoms are hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness.
  • Vitex Berries - Regulates and balances female hormone production, specifically estrogen and progesterone through a complicated biochemistry. This plant can restore the balance between estrogen and progesterone to alleviate a wide range of symptoms during menopause.          
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Monday, March 26, 2012

After The Party Renovation Tea

Hangover Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Peppermint, Fennel, Willow Bark and Ginger.
  • Peppermint- Eases nausea and vomiting.
  • Fennel- Is very good herb to bring your liver in proper condition.
  • Willow Bark- Natural aspirin provided by Mother Nature is one of the best herbs to alleviate severe headaches.
  • Ginger- Will curb down your cramps and disturbed digestive system and is great for hangovers. 
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cough & Sore Throat by Renovation Tea

Cough & Sore Throat Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Eucalyptus, Willow Bark, Wild Cherry Bark and Goldenseal.
  • Eucalyptus - When inhaled, the steam from the eucalyptus tea can help alleviate chest infections and a host of respiratory and pulmonary ailments like colds, emphysema, whooping cough and asthma.
  • Willow Bark - Fever associated with cold and flu and relief from headaches, cold and the flu.
  • Wild Cherry Bark - May help fight cough, bronchitis, pertussis and other problems in the respiratory system. It is largely considered an expectorant and a cleaner of the air passages.
  • Goldenseal - It has been known as an effective antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Keep Your Urinary On The Right Tract!

Urinary Tract Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Cranberry, Uva Ursi, Goldenrod, Dandelion and Marshallow Root
Cranberry - The most frequently and important used herb to treat urinary tract infections, cranberry contains an acid that inhibits growth of the bacteria that causes the infection, says Phyllis A. Balch in the book "Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing." Cranberry also contains compounds that don't allow bacteria to stick to the lining of the bladder, so they are flushed out with urine. Pure, unsweetened cranberry juice provides the best benefits.
Uva Ursi - The second most common herb used for urinary tract infections, uva ursi which increases urination and flushes bacteria out of the bladder. This herb also contains a compound that weakens the bacteria that causes the infection. When taken according to the package directions, sufferers of a UTI may begin to feel relief within a few days. This herb should not be taken for longer than four days in a row, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Goldenrod - Decreases inflammation and the painful spasms of bladder infections, according to Dr. Linda B. White and Steven Foster in their book "The Herbal Drugstore."
Dandelion - Acts as a diuretic and flushes bacteria-causing microbes from the bladder. Dandelion also provides potassium, typically lost with diuretic use.
Marshmallow Root - Inhibits bacterial growth in urine by increasing its acidity.

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Simple yet Effective Energy Boost!

Energy Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Yerba Mate, Olive Leaf and Sarsaparilla Root.
  • Yerba Mate - It is known to deliver a balanced and sustained energy burst, boost immunity and enhance mental clarity.
  • Olive Leaf - Build lasting energy reserves without caffeine or other stimulants.
  • Sarsaparilla - Gives a boost of energy due to its hormone related benefits.                
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Health benefits of Cold & Flu Tea

Cold & Flu Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Willow Bark, Echinacea, Goldenseal and Elderflowers.
  • Willow Bark- Fever associated with cold and flu and relief from headaches, cold and the flu.
  • Echinacea- Treats the common cold, influenza outbreaks and mild to moderate infections of all kinds. This is due to Echinacea’s actions in boosting the immune system and sore throat due to colds.
  • Goldenseal- It has been known as an effective antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.
  • Elderflowers- Helps reduce excess mucous in the lungs and nasal passages, and it is used to treat a variety of respiratory ailments including asthma, cough, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and bronchitis. It also has immune-boosting properties and is therefore used to treat colds, flu and fever.        
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Clean Your Health!

Essential Renovation Tea

"Drink With Meals"

Ingredients: Cayenne Pepper, Lemon Peel, Celery Seed, Garlic, Nettle Leaf, Rosemary Leaf and Anise Seed
More and more studies are showing the importance of drinking hot drinks with your meals!
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine . Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer . It is best to drink hot soup or hot water/tea after a meal.

We have added some beneficial herbs to aid in boosting your metabolism and overall health.

Nettle Leaf - Although no official studies have been done as of yet regarding the affect of nettle on weight loss, the herb with its cleansing properties may help shed the pounds by effectively ridding the body of unwanted metabolic waste. The reduction of stored waste in muscle tissue and throughout the lymphatic system allows your body to function more productively.
Nettle leaf is a rich source of potassium. This mineral plays an important role in conducting electricity in the body. Since the major organs of the body like the brain and heart cannot function without electricity, the role of electrolytes like potassium cannot be ignored.
Nettle leaf is also a rich source of calcium. This mineral is vital to the maintenance and development of bones in the body. Inadequate intake of calcium may contribute to accelerated bone loss and the development of osteoporosis.
Nettle leaf has high levels of beta-carotene. A precursor of Vitamin A, beta-carotene contributes to the maintenance of good vision and protection from such eye diseases such as night blindness and cataract.
Nettle leaves are said to contain about 16 types of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and the abundance of these amino acids in the plant contribute to nettle's high protein content.

Cayenne Powder - Not only does it help boost your metabolism, it also burns fat, and is a rich source of vitamins C, B complexes and A, as well as potassium and organic calcium.
The "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" reported that capsaicin is particularly effective at reducing abdominal fat.
Cayenne has the ability to get blood flowing to sick or dying organs in our bodies.
So for example, if someone you know is suffering from loss of memory, and gingko has been suggested, taking gingko in combination with the cayenne pepper tea will get the ginkgo right into the brain where it needs to be. Increasing the ability to aid in memory retention and support.
Improving cardiovascular health is yet another one of the health benefits of cayenne pepper. This spice can help regulate your blood pressure, no matter if it is too high or too low, as well as keep your heart healthy. The cayenne pepper spice can also decrease your cholesterol levels and prevent stroke-causing clots from forming.
Cayenne pepper spice is full of antioxidants and beta carotene, which are very good for the body’s immune system. It also assists in building healthy tissues for the body’s mucous membranes, which are the body’s first defense against viruses and bacteria.
Cayenne pepper spice is a great treatment for sufferers of bursitis, arthritis, and other chronic inflammation conditions. This effect is brought on by the capsaicin found in the cayenne pepper spice.
Garlic - Tea delivers a healing dose of allicin, stimulating the immune system and killing harmful bacteria. As a result, garlic tea can be used to treat the common cold, sooth inflammations, and fight infections. Garlic's antibacterial properties have been suspected for centuries.
Drinking garlic tea can promote a healthy heart and improved cardiovascular activity. Garlic increases the body's levels of high-density lipoproteins and reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood, serving to maintain healthy arteries. Garlic also thins the blood and reduces clotting, helping control high blood pressure and improve poor circulation.
Drinking garlic tea can help eradicate intestinal fungi and yeasts such as Candida albicans. Unlike traditional antifungals, garlic tea presents few drawback.
However, prolonged garlic use has been shown to thin blood, so individuals taking blood thinners or preparing to undergo surgery should avoid garlic due to the increased risk of bleeding.
Garlic tea contains vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, calcium, copper, iron, and zinc.
Garlic is also a rich source of selenium, which helps the body detoxify heavy metals like lead and mercury. Selenium and garlic's sulfur compounds act as antioxidants, rounding up harmful free radicals and eliminating them from the body.
Garlic helps kill harmful stomach parasites, acting as an internal antiseptic and cleansing the digestive system.
Garlic also acts as an expectorant, helping cure nagging coughs and encouraging mucus expulsion.
Lemon Peel - Contain high levels of antioxidants. As antioxidants, Lemon peels may contribute to the protection of your DNA from cancer-causing damage.
Lemon peel is also high in vitamin C levels.

Celery Seeds - Have diuretic actions that induce the excretion of excess fluids from your body through the urine, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Celery seed also appears to have anti-inflammatory actions, as well as functions that may prevent muscle spasms, nervousness and liver damage. Celery seeds contain lutein, a substance that has the potential to prevent cancer and tumor growth. Fiber, flavonoids, coumarins, linoleic acid and certain essential oils are also contained in celery seeds.

Rosemary Leaf - Is high in the following: beta-carotene/Vitamin A, thiamin/Vitamin B1, riboflavin/Vitamin B2, niacin/Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.
Rosemary tea is helpful in increasing circulation and fighting rheumatism, infection and indigestion.
Rosemary helps to kill bacteria that cause infection and soothes aching muscles. Because of its mild analgesic properties a strong tea is excellent for relieving headaches and fever

Anise Seeds - May be effective in the treatment of an upset stomach and may reduce flatulence.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Protect your lungs from cigarette smoke

Smoker's Lung Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Parsley, Mullein, Goldenseal and St. John’s Wort.
  • Parsley - It possesses anti-carcinogenic properties, especially in relation to the lungs. The volatile oils are what work at the cellular level to cleanse toxins while the flavonoids, like vitamins A and C, stimulate healthy lungs, joints and heart. Asthma and arthritis are reduced using this potent herb.
  • Mullein - Tones and soothes the mucous membranes, reduces inflammation and encourages healthy fluid production in the lungs. By encouraging mucus production, Mullein protects the membranes from absorbing allergens and encourages expectoration. It is anti-spasmodic and antibiotic. Use it for hay fever, emphysema, colds, flu, hoarseness, bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma.
  • Goldenseal - Infection, inflammation or congestion of lungs, throat and sinuses. Promotes the functioning capacity of the respiratory system.
  • St. John’s Wort - May help in clearing chest congestion.        
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Are you getting a restful nights sleep?

Restful Renovation Tea
This is very effective towards a restful nights sleep!
Ingredients: Valerian, Kava Kava, Chamomile and Passion Flower.
  • Valerian- Can help treat chronic insomnia and sleeplessness, soothes and sedates the nervous system and helps calm hysteria and restlessness.
  • Kava Kava- Relaxes muscles, stress fighter and treats insomnia and anxiety.
  • Chamomile- Relaxes the nerves.
  • Passionflower- Helps in calming and sedating the nerves and combating anxiety. It can thus help in ushering restful sleep and relax the muscles.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Herbal Blood Purifying Tea

Blood Purifying Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Echinacea, Goldenseal and Sarsaparilla.
  • Dandelion Root - Helps in detoxification of blood, cleansing and purification of blood. All this is reflected on the body skin, making it radiant and shiny.
  • Burdock Root - Contains high amounts of inulin and mucilage and is a good blood purifier, (believed to clear the bloodstream of toxins).
  • Echinacea – Cleansing the blood naturally may be helpful for building an individual's immune system, removing cholesterol and balancing the pH in the body and a superior lymphatic flusher and immune booster.
  • Goldenseal - It has been known as an effective antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.
  • Sarsaparilla - Natural blood purifier and general detoxification aid.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

National Endometriosis Awareness Month

Endometriosis Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Chasteberry, Burdock Root, Prickly Ash Bark, Wild Yam, Cramp Bark and Ginger.
Chasteberry: The benefits of chasteberry for treating the symptoms of endometriosis are anecdotal and include easing uterine pain and reducing swelling. The "PDR" says chasteberry may be dopaminergic, meaning it may increase dopamine levels in the brain, which, in turn, may help a woman relax. High estrogen levels can trigger endometriosis pain, and chasteberry may balance high levels by increasing the production of progesterone. The University of Maryland Medical Center lists chasteberry as potentially beneficial for treating endometriosis, but research verifying the herb's benefits is nonexistent.
Burdock Root: Has a long history of medical uses, particularly for detoxification and treating ailments of the skin and digestive system, and well as for alleviating the common cold. Its constituents include carbohydrates, volatile oils, plant sterols, tannins and fatty oils. Dr. Sharol Tilgner, a naturopathic physician and author of "Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth," states that burdock stimulates the liver, helping it to metabolize hormones and efficiently excrete them. This process may account for burdock's therapeutic effect in endometriosis.
Prickly Ash Bark: Is known to help conditions of sluggish circulation. It stimulates blood flow throughout the body, which increases the delivery of nutrients to organs and hastens the removal of cellular waste products. Enhancing circulation to the pelvis can be helpful for women with endometriosis.
Wild Yam: Is effective for balancing estrogen levels, and researchers in Taiwan found that its phytoestrogens (a weak form of plant estrogen) bind to estrogen receptors in the body, replacing the stronger and more dangerous forms of estrogen such as xenoestrogens.
Psychiatrists in China reported that Wild Yam reduces anxiety levels, and its anti inflammatory and anti spasmodic effects are excellent for maintaining uterine health. When combined with Chasteberry and Cramp bark, Wild Yam is a powerful natural remedy for immediate relief from endo symptoms.
Cramp Bark: Has been used for hundreds of years by Native Americans to treat pains and muscular cramping in the body. It is used to relax muscles, and is particularly effective on the smooth muscle cells of the uterus.
It also has anti-inflammatory effects and calms and soothes the nerves, reduces excess bleeding and provides great relief for dysmenorrhea.
It also has wonderful effects on irritable bowel syndrome and researchers at Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine found that it was an effective treatment for gastrointestinal damage.
Ginger: Has been used for thousands of years in Chinese Medicine to reduce nausea, reduce pain, treat digestive complaints and to boost energy levels. It has been effectively used in India to improve allergic response, due to its anti inflammatory effects.
It is also good for preventing endometrial growths, as Doctors at the China Medical University, Taiwan proved that Ginger prevented blood cells from aggregating. Researchers at Seoul National University also found that the gingerol and vanilloids in ginger had anti-tumor properties.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!
  • 100% Organic Herbal Teas.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Best Organic Herbal Tea for Blood Clots

Blood Clot Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Yarrow Leaf & Flower, Tumeric, Hawthorne, Ginger and Ginkgo
  • Yarrow Leaf & Flower - Helps to improve cardiovascular conditions, partly by regulating blood pressure and purifies the blood. It also simulates the circulatory system.
  • Tumeric - May help prevent hardening of the arteries in people suffering from diabetes. According to UMMC, turmeric tea can reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol. Additionally, compounds in turmeric can prevent cholesterol from building plaque on artery walls. Because of turmeric's mild antiplatelet activity, it may also theoretically prevent blood clots, a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
  • Hawthorne - Are used as heart disease herbs. Not only can they help to regulate your blood pressure but they can also break down cholesterol and fat, both of which contribute to heart disease. They also help dilate coronary blood vessels so that your body is able to utilize oxygen, blood and nutrients more efficiently throughout your entire body.
  • Ginger - Blood clotting is ordinarily an important part of good health, preventing excessive bleeding. Blood cells called platelets and proteins in your body form a clot over an injury until it's healed. Sometimes clots form inside blood vessels and don't resolve, leading to potentially life-threatening clots in veins and arteries. Studies such as one published in "Thrombosis Research" in 2003 have shown that ginger is an effective anti-coagulant. Researchers in Australia found that gingerol was a more effective anti-platelet agent than aspirin.
  • Ginkgo - According to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, ginkgo improves the flow of blood throughout the body. Because of its effect on blood, ginkgo is traditionally used for blood vessel disorders, blood clots, circulatory issues and high blood pressure. These are serious health issues; only use ginkgo as treatment for them while under the care of a professional. People who suffer from leg pain caused by clogged arteries may also benefit from ginkgo. One study in "The American Journal of Medicine" by M.H. Piffler and E. Ernst found that ginkgo significantly increased the distance patients with claudication could walk without pain.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Best Organic Herbal Tea to Help Combat Depression

Depression Renovation Tea

Ingredients: St. John’s Wort, Kava Kava, Gingko, Eleuthero and Peppermint.
  • St. John’s Wort - Prevents nerve cells from reabsorbing serotonin, similar to that of conventional antidepressants.
  • Kava Kava - It is a powerful muscle relaxer and analgesic.
  • Gingko - Is able to enhance serotonin reuptake at serotonin receptor sites, increasing protein synthesis and antioxidant effects . The University of Maryland Medical Center says that clinical studies suggest that ginkgo provides improvement in the areas of cognitive function, daily living, social behaviors and feelings of depression in the elderly.
  • Eleuthero - Is often included in anti-anxiety herbal combinations. It is an energizer but also relaxes and nourishes the nerves.
  • Peppermint - Has energizing and uplifting properties.        
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Best Organic Herbal Blood Pressure Tea

Blood Pressure Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Hawthorn Berries, Parsley, Coriander, Flax Seeds and Basil
 Hawthorn Berries - One of the ways in which the berries of the hawthorn tree may help to lower your blood pressure, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, is through dilation. It appears that flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, nutrients in the flavonoid family, help dilate the blood vessels. When your arteries dilate, or widen, that can decrease the amount of resistance your blood is met with while flowing through these vessels. This should improve your circulation and lessen the amount of pressure on your arteries from your blood, decreasing the stress placed on your heart and reducing your risk of heart failure, heart attack and stroke.
The hawthorn berry appears to eliminate plaque. As plaque begins to form along the arterial walls, the blood vessels narrow. But the flavonoids found in the berries of the hawthorn tree seem to prevent the plaque from forming along the walls and reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein--the bad cholesterol--in your bloodstream. With less plaque, your blood pressure falls.
 Parsley - Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements, which help maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition.
 Coriander Seeds - Is very helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. It also works as good diuretic. This is effective natural treatment for high blood pressure.
 Flax Seeds - Can help you regulate your blood pressure. Flaxseed provides 1.6 mg alpha-linolenic acid, or 100 percent of the daily value for this omega-3 fatty acid, per tablespoon. This heart-healthy fat may lower your blood pressure, according to the Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center.
 Basil - Decreases cholesterol protects the heart muscle and blood vessels and even is said to thin the blood to prevent strokes. It has also been reportedly used to treat stress-related high blood pressure by decreasing adrenaline levels in the body.      

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Super Healthy Tea

Super Healthy Tea by Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Green Tea, Spinach Powder and Parsley

Drink this tea daily and feel great!

Helps Boost Immune System
Helps in Prevention of Cancer
May aide in the prevention of Arthritis, Migraines and Rheumatism
May lower risk of Stroke and Heart Diseases
May have Diuretic Properties
Loaded with Antioxidants!

Plus, so much more!!!

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Effective Herbal Relief for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Oatstraw, Motherswort, Stinging Nettle and Chamomile

Oatstraw - Strengthens, nourishes and calms the nervous system. Fights depression and anxiety.

Motherswort - Has a sedating - tranquilizing effect on the central nervous system. Strengthens and relaxes heart muscles, Used as a treatment for depression and anxiety and heart palpitations.

Stinging Nettle - Gives support and strengthens tired adrenal glands. It inhibits the production of adrenaline, a hormone released that gives us that "fight or flight" response.

Chamomile - Helps treat insomnia and anxiety. It is a very calming herb.

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Build Your Immune System Daily

Immune Builder Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Astragalus, Cat's Claw, Echinacea and Elderflowers

Astragalus - According to The Herbal Drugstore, by Linda B. White, MD, and Steven Foster (Rodale, 2003), "Many studies confirm immune-boosting, antiviral, antibacterial, and tonic properties. Shows promise in restoring (irregular) T-cell function." the most striking feature of this herb, however, is its ability to boost one part of the immune system while suppressing others, making it uniquely suited for those with autoimmune diseases, where certain parts of the immune system begin to attack their own body.

Cat's Claw - Studies show alkaloids in cat's claw that stimulate the method by which white blood cells defend the body. In addition, it has significant anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-cancer, and antioxidant properties.

Echinacea- Has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions, such as the common cold, infections and influenza. Echinacea possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral action, stimulates wound healing and improves your immune system's resistance to infections

Elderflowers- Studies show this herb may strongly stimulate the immune system, most especially through boosting antibody production. This is especially true for upper respiratory infections, and according to Prescription for Herbal Healing, by Phyllis A. Balch (Avery, 2002), "has shown some activity in preliminary trials against several viruses."

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Important Herbs for Diabetes

Try this delicious 100% Organic Herbal Tea

Diabetic Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Cinnamon, Bitter Melon Fruit, Gymnema Leaf and Gingko.

Cinnamon- Can regulate blood sugar to help keep it at healthy levels

Bitter Melon Fruit- Help manage some of the symptoms of diabetes. The juice or extract from the unripe fruit can lower the levels of blood sugars in the body.

Gymnema Leaf- Helps the pancreas to produce Insulin in Type 2 diabetes. It also improves the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type I and Type 2 diabetes. It decreases cravings for sweet.

Gingko- May be one of the best herbs for helping maintain normal blood glucose levels

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fibroid Elimination by Renovation Tea

Fibroid Elimination Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Chasteberry and Cinnamon
Chasteberry - Is known for being able to balance female hormones. In a well balanced hormonal environment, fibroid tumors may shrink due to the proper level of both estrogen and progesterone being produced. Chasteberry helps create this environment in the uterus to relieve the condition.
Cinnamon - Was used prior to the 1900s as a common remedy for menstrual problems, especially uterine bleeding. It is helpful for relieving heavy bleeding with clotting due to its ability to inhibit thromboxane in the blood. Thromboxane leads to the clumping of platelets, which increases the formation of clots. It has also been used as a relaxant to reduce menstrual cramping. Cinnamon has also been used to reduce uterine fibroids.
This is a 60 day regiment and Step One of Two regiments. Step two, Fibroid Flush, helps to flush fibroid from your system.
This tea should be consumed every morning before breakfast for 60 days.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Has Pollen or Seasonal Allergies got you down?

Sinus & Allergy Renovation
Ingredients: Echinacea, Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Goldenseal.

  • Echinacea - Has been used to successfully treat sinus and chest congestion for hundreds of years. Echinacea helps promote a healthy immune system, which is important in curtailing sinus infections secondary to allergies.
  • Peppermint - Is noted for its ability to quickly clear sinus allergy-related congestion and relieve the headaches that are often present with sinus congestion.
  • Eucalyptus - Most recognized herb for sinus allergies is eucalyptus. This herb is particularly aromatic, giving quick sinus allergy symptom relief.
  • Goldenseal - Helping to protect the body and hasten healing by stimulating the immune system. 
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lower and Protect your Cholesterol Level

Cholesterol Renovation Teas

Ingredients: Basil, Psyillium and Alfalfa.
***It is important to drink a full glass of water after drinking the tea.
Basil - Active ingredients include flavonoids, procyanidins, tannins and essential oil, and basil has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hypolipidemic actions. A study by S. Amrani and colleagues published in the December 2006 issue of "Phytotherapy Research" tested an extract on animals with induced high cholesterol. The study found that basil has very high antioxidant properties and significantly reduced LDL. After seven hours, treated animals had 79 percent less LDL than the control group. The reduction of LDL was accompanied by an increase in HDL, or good cholesterol, which removes cholesterol from the tissues to the liver, where it is then eliminated in bile acids. This study shows the link between antioxidants, LDL reduction and lowering the risk of atherosclerosis. Basil should not be taken for long periods of time.
Psyillium - Has long been recognized for its potential role in reducing blood cholesterol. As early as in 1998, the FDA already approved a health claim on psyllium.  Studies have shown that psyllium husk is effective in lowering total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein or LDL (the bad cholesterol) levels.
Alfalfa - Alfalfa is an herb high in compounds called saponins that may interfere with lipid breakdown and absorption in the gut, lowering cholesterol. Other compounds may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol balance by regulating bile synthesis in the liver. Natural coumarins have been shown to counteract stagnation of blood in the vessels and stabilize blood vessel membranes, reducing leakiness. In one clinical study, the seeds reduced cholesterol levels in humans.
Alfalfa contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones, which can have a moderate estrogenic effect in the body. Isoflavones are also found in red clover and in soy products, and are touted today as a safe alternative to estrogen supplements during and after menopause. It is not uncommon for Asian women to consume up to 200 mg of isoflavones a day in the diet, far higher than the average 10 or 20 mg that is common among North Americans and Europeans. Some research suggests that isoflavones may be partially responsible for the lower rates of prostate and reproductive cancers found in Asia, and possible the lower rate of undesirable menopausal symptoms, though this has yet to be proven in high-quality clinical trials. At the recommended dosage of alfalfa, the estrogenic effect is not likely to because side effects usually associated with synthetic estrogen supplements, and may provide a protective benefit when used regularly.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Benefits of detoxing your liver

Improve the quality of your overall health.
Eliminate harmful waste products and free radicals from your bloodstream
Boost your immune system
Weight Loss

You should detox several times per year and remember while detoxing drink plenty of water.

Liver Detox Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Artichoke Leaf and Burdock Root.
Dandelion - Aids the liver in its production of bile and reduces inflammation, jaundice, hepatitis and gall bladder disease, according to Columbia University.
Milk Thistle - Is a versatile herb that's beneficial primarily to the liver. According to Clayton College of Natural Health, the herb helps lower fatty deposits in the liver and increases the flow of bile. Bile is mainly used to break down dietary fat. Additionally, it helps prevent plaque buildup and hardening of the arteries. The herb's ability to help enhance liver function can have a number of health benefits--including improving the liver's ability to manage cholesterol and protecting against hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as gallstones.
Artichoke Leaf - May improve the functioning and condition of the liver, particularly when liver conditions exist. Artichoke tea may offer specific benefits for cirrhosis by helping the liver function better.
Burdock Root - Promotes the flow of bile, which may assist in many gastrointestinal conditions. It will help soothe ulcers and promote digestion