Monday, April 30, 2012

Do you suffer from migraine's?

Migraine / Pain Relief

Ingredients: Feverfew, Passionflower, Peppermint and White Willow Bark.
  • Feverfew - Is an anti-inflammatory, so it works much like ibuprofen. It is also believed that the herb may inhibit chemicals that cause the blood vessels in your head to spasm.
  • Passionflower – It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and pain killing properties. Great for migraine!
  • Peppermint - There’s evidence that peppermint may reduce spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, which can relieve headache symptoms, says Audrey L. Halpern, M.D., the director of the Manhattan Center for Headache and Neurology. What’s more, “neurochemical changes in the brain brought on by headaches can also affect the part of the brain that stimulates nausea,” says Halpern. And peppermint has been shown to ease a queasy stomach.
  • White Willow Bark - Is an especially popular herb for headache because it works much like an aspirin, relieving your headache pain as well as arthritis pain and causing the inflammation to go down.        
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Looking for a Summertime job?

Want to Earn Cash Renovating Your Community?

Becoming a Renovation Tea Representative is an excellent way to build your own professional business, earn some cash and help your community, friends and family live a healthier life!

Our teas are unique because they are formulated towards certain health conditions and ailments such as: Diabetes, Blood Pressure,  Lymph Node Detox, Weight Loss, Restless Leg Syndrome, Depression, just to name a few.

Startup is simple, easy and affordable.  Here is what you will need:

·        Go online at and setup an account or call 870.784.3121 for assistance. Once your account is complete we will need to set you to representative status. 

·        A minimum order requirement for your first order will be $150.00 this will also include brochures with your contact information, business cards and a Renovation Tea logo shirt. 

·        Contact us today at:

Renovation Tea

810 W. Collin Raye Drive

De Queen, Ar.  71832


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fight Free Radicals and Help Improve Overall Quality of Life

Essiac by Renovation Tea
Ingredients: Essiac Blend
Where Did Essiac Come From?
A Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse developed it in 1922. She said the formula originally came from an Ojibwa Indian medicine man. She named it after the backward spelling of her own last name, Caisse.
Essiac is widely available as an herbal health food, without any specific health claims. There are several different versions of the product. There are also many claims and counterclaims about authenticity. In 2000, the US Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against a distributor of Essiac for misleading health claims on several web sites.

What Organic Herbs Make Essiac Tea?
-Burdock Root
-Sheep Sorrel
-Slippery Elm Bark
-Turkey Rhubarb Root

What Are The Benefits Of These Herbs?
-Burdock Root: Is used in folk medicine to improve digestion, to clean the blood, to increase urination, or as a laxative.
Laboratory studies have shown some anti-tumor effects.
-Sheep Sorrel: May be effective against cancer and has been used in Europe for centuries to help break down tumors.
-Slippery Elm: Has a long, safe history in alleviating sore throats. It is used in many
herbal cough drops or teas for sore throats. And is used traditionally as a tonic (helps strengthen the body), and seems to assist in healing.
-Turkey Rhubarb Root: Has a gentle laxative action which helps stimulate bile and also the gallbladder to expel toxic waste matter.

What Are The Benefits Of Essiac Blend?
-Proponents of Essiac claim that it strengthens the immune system, improves appetite, relieves pain, and improves overall quality of life. Helps to fight free radicals

There are no recorded side effects from the use of Essiac. In 1982, the Canadian Department of National Health and Welfare authorized the availability of Essiac on a “compassionate use” basis. Their decision was based in part on the lack of reports of problems in 78 patients who used Essiac between 1978 and 1982.

There are no known interactions between Essiac and medications or other herbs. However, most interactions between herbs and medications have not been studied. Tell your health care provider if you are using herbal supplements.

Essiac Tea May Be Beneficial For-
Cancer, Tumor Growth, Diabetes, Colon Ailments, Arthritis, Sinus Ailments, Chest Colds & Pneumonia, Gout, Cholesterol & High Blood Pressure, Kidney & Bladder Ailments, Fluid Retention, Constipation & Diarrhea, Liver Ailments, Allergies, Weak Immune System, Chronic Pain, Asthma, Ulcers and Obesity.

How To Make Essaic Tea?
The following recipe is for making one quart of tea using 2 tablespoons of Essiac tea herbs. It is best to make just enough Essiac tea to last about two weeks because Essiac tea is perishable and will eventually spoil in the refrigerator.

1. Pour 36 ounces of distilled water into large pot and bring to a boil.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of dried Essiac tea herbs (entire contents of package) to boiling water cover with lid and boil hard for 10 minutes (making sure it doesn't boil over).
3. Scrape down the sides of the pot and allow the tea to sit, covered, in a warm place (room temperature) for about 12 hours.
4. Reheat the tea in the covered pot until steaming hot, but do not allow too boil.
5. Allow the tea to sit covered and undisturbed for several minutes so that the herbs will settle to the bottom of the pot.
6. Using a strainer, strain the liquid into jar.
7. Screw the lid on, allow too cool and then refrigerate.
Rene Caisse used 1 oz. of Essiac tea in about 2 ounces of hot water once or twice daily.
Do not microwave the tea. Shake the container well before pouring your dosages to disperse the herb particles throughout the tea.
Drink Essiac tea on an empty stomach. Take the time to sip your Essiac tea slowly; don’t gulp it down.
Essiac tea is detoxifying so it is very important to drink plenty of pure water during the day and to have regular bowel movements.

Discard Essiac tea if it tastes sour or when white mold appears floating on the surface. Essiac herbs and tea are light and heat sensitive so it is important to store in a cool, dark place.

It’s always best if your doses are taken on an empty stomach. Try to avoid eating two hours before and one hour after drinking Essiac. However, if you have to eat and then drink Essiac tea at the same time, that is much better than skipping the Essiac dose completely.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Make Money Renovating Your Community!

Want to Earn Cash Renovating Your Community?

Becoming a Renovation Tea Representative is an excellent way to build your own professional business, earn some cash and help your community, friends and family live a healthier life!

Our teas are unique because they are formulated towards certain health conditions and ailments such as: Diabetes, Blood Pressure,  Lymph Node Detox, Weight Loss, Restless Leg Syndrome, Depression, just to name a few.

Startup is simple, easy and affordable.  Here is what you will need:

·        Go online at and setup an account or call 870.784.3121 for assistance. Once your account is complete we will need to set you to representative status. 

·        A minimum order requirement for your first order will be $150.00 this will also include brochures with your contact information, business cards and a Renovation Tea logo shirt. 

·        Contact us today at:

Renovation Tea

810 W. Collin Raye Drive

De Queen, Ar.  71832


Detox and improve the function of your liver!

Liver Detox

Ingredients: Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Artichoke Leaf and Burdock Root.
Dandelion - Aids the liver in its production of bile and reduces inflammation, jaundice, hepatitis and gall bladder disease, according to Columbia University.
Milk Thistle - Is a versatile herb that's beneficial primarily to the liver. According to Clayton College of Natural Health, the herb helps lower fatty deposits in the liver and increases the flow of bile. Bile is mainly used to break down dietary fat. Additionally, it helps prevent plaque buildup and hardening of the arteries. The herb's ability to help enhance liver function can have a number of health benefits--including improving the liver's ability to manage cholesterol and protecting against hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as gallstones.
Artichoke Leaf - May improve the functioning and condition of the liver, particularly when liver conditions exist. Artichoke tea may offer specific benefits for cirrhosis by helping the liver function better.
Burdock Root - Promotes the flow of bile, which may assist in many gastrointestinal conditions. It will help soothe ulcers and promote digestion.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Perfect Hot Tottie!

Sinus & Allergy Renovation

Ingredients: Echinacea, Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Goldenseal.
  • Echinacea - Has been used to successfully treat sinus and chest congestion for hundreds of years. Echinacea helps promote a healthy immune system, which is important in curtailing sinus infections secondary to allergies.
  • Peppermint - Is noted for its ability to quickly clear sinus allergy-related congestion and relieve the headaches that are often present with sinus congestion.
  • Eucalyptus - Most recognized herb for sinus allergies is eucalyptus. This herb is particularly aromatic, giving quick sinus allergy symptom relief.
  • Goldenseal - Helping to protect the body and hasten healing by stimulating the immune system.
In cup pour one shot whiskey, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 slice lemon (squeezed) then place bag in cup and pour hot water.  Let steep for 10 to 15 minutes remove bag stir and enjoy.  Very effective!

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Health Benefits of Lymph Node Detox Tea

Lymph Node Detox

Ingredients: Cleavers, Echinacea and Calendula

Cleavers - Is possibly the single most effective herbal tonic for the lymphatic system. Aided by properties as an alterative, a classification of herbs once referred to as "blood cleansers," and a diuretic, meaning it helps the body flush out toxins through its urine, cleavers help with the detoxification of the lymph nodes on multiple fronts. When ulcers or tumors result from poor drainage of the lymph nodes, cleavers are particularly beneficial. They're also useful for adenoid problems, tonsillitis and swollen glands in any part of the body, all of which are other common symptoms of poor lymphatic drainage.

Echinacea - A common ingredient in many popular herbal cold remedies for the same reasons that make it a potent lymphatic cleanser, echinacea is a powerful antimicrobial that kills viruses and bacteria and fights infection. Echinacea helps strengthen certain kinds of cells in the lymph nodes called macrophages, which filter the toxins out of the lymph.

Calendula - Helps cleanse the lymphatic system in a number of different ways, including helping reduce inflammation, strengthening the immune system and relieving fungal infections. Its anti-inflammatory action can be used to reduce inflamed lymph nodes. Its immune support helps keep the lymph nodes consistently filtering and flushing toxins from the system. Its properties as a cholagogue, increasing bile flow, and a depurative, purifying the blood, also help move detoxifying lymph through sluggish lymph glands.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is your energy level running on low?

Energy Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Yerba Mate, Olive Leaf and Sarsaparilla Root.
  • Yerba Mate - It is known to deliver a balanced and sustained energy burst, boost immunity and enhance mental clarity.
  • Olive Leaf - Build lasting energy reserves without caffeine or other stimulants.
  • Sarsaparilla - Gives a boost of energy due to its hormone related benefits.                
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Are you getting a Restful Night's Sleep?

Are you getting a Restful Night’s Sleep?

Restful by Renovation Tea

Is 100% Organic Herbal Tea

Ingredients:  Chamomile, Passionflower, Kava Kava and Valerian

Restful gives you a restful night sleep without feeling groggy the next morning.

Drop by our store: 810 West Collin Raye Drive, De Queen, Ar.  71832
to pick up you free sample! 

Hurry! Free Samples Are For A Limited Time Only!

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Go Ahead Treat Your Health!

Super Healthy Tea by Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Green Tea, Spinach Powder and Parsley
  • Helps Boost Immune System
  • Helps in Prevention of Cancer
  • May aide in the prevention of Arthritis, Migraines and Rheumatism
  • May lower risk of Stroke and Heart Diseases
  • May have Diuretic Properties
  • Loaded with Antioxidants!
If you like the taste of green tea you will love this!

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New store hours

We have adusted our store hours to accommodate our customers or you can order online and receive quality products with fast shipping. 

Renovation Tea
Main store location: 810 West Collin Raye Drive, De Queen, Ar. 71832
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 1251, De Queen, Ar. 71832
Telephone Number: 870.784.3121
Store Hours: Monday thru Friday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Build your resistance to pollen and other allergies!

Head to Toe

Ingredients: Shitake Mushroom Powder, Ginseng, Bee Pollen, Noni Powder and Cranberry Powder
Shitake Mushroom Powder-
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Fights Free Radicals
  • Helps fight cancer
  • Has powerful antioxidants
  • Heart healthy
  • Helps manage blood glucose levels
  • Has anti-cancer properties
  • Memory enhancement
Bee Pollen-
  • Contains more than 96 different nutrients
  • Benefits immune system
  • Builds resistance to allergies
  • Increase energy & endurance
Noni Powder-
  • May block bad cholesterol
  • Has pain relieving properties
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Loaded with antioxidants
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
Cranberry Powder-
  • Relaxes blood vessels
  • Prevents plague from building in arteries
  • Maintains urinary tract health.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is pain keeping you from getting a good night's sleep?

Pain Relief

Ingredients: Feverfew, Passionflower, Peppermint and White Willow Bark.
  • Feverfew - Is an anti-inflammatory, so it works much like ibuprofen. It is also believed that the herb may inhibit chemicals that cause the blood vessels in your head to spasm.
  • Passionflower – It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and pain killing properties. Great for migraine!
  • Peppermint - There’s evidence that peppermint may reduce spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, which can relieve headache symptoms, says Audrey L. Halpern, M.D., the director of the Manhattan Center for Headache and Neurology. What’s more, “neurochemical changes in the brain brought on by headaches can also affect the part of the brain that stimulates nausea,” says Halpern. And peppermint has been shown to ease a queasy stomach.
  • White Willow Bark - Is an especially popular herb for headache because it works much like an aspirin, relieving your headache pain as well as arthritis pain and causing the inflammation to go down.        
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Protect and Guard your Health

BodyGuard Renovation Tea

Fights Free Radicals and So Much More !!
Ingredients: Red Clover Blossom, Mistletoe, Garlic, Turmeric and Self Heal
Garlic - Is an herb that you cannot take too much of. Dr Richard Schulze, the master herbalist and successful natural healer, strongly advocates the liberal use of garlic to aid and strengthen the body. He has even gone as far as to say that if he is to use only one program or food for healing, it would be garlic. That’s how powerful garlic can be as an herbal remedy for cancer.
Garlic is truly one of the most powerful herbs for cancer fighting, as well as battling other diseases. When you are seriously ill, then the more garlic you are eating/drinking, the better. If you have cancer, you are best off eating 8, 12, 16, 20, or even more cloves per day. Having reeking garlic breath is a small price to pay for beating cancer.

Red Clover - Is another useful tool in using an herbal treatment for cancer. It is a powerful anti cancer herb. If you have cancer, the more red clover you are getting, the better. Studies have suggested that red clover isoflavones are more effective in reducing heat flashes than pharmaceutical preparations, and can delay bone loss associated with osteoporosis. Red clover also appears to reduce the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, limit the progress of benign prostate
hyperplasia and reduce the buildup of plaque that causes heart disease.
Mistletoe - Several European studies have demonstrated that cancer patients who consume European mistletoe experience increased survivability and improved quality of life, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Studies also show relations to cancer prevention, and the outcomes have been promising. For example, a study published in June 2008 in "Cancer Letters" found that mistletoe led to the death of human leukemia cells in vitro. In fact, the authors mention that mistletoe is one of the most popular chemopreventive herbs used in alternative medicine therapies.

Turmeric - According to the UMMC, turmeric may help to treat prostate, breast, skin and colon cancers. This fragrant spice restricts blood flow to malignant tumors; turmeric's potent antioxidant effects also help to strengthen and protect healthy cells. Turmeric may also help to ease nausea, indigestion, fatigue and secondary infections associated with chemotherapy.
Most herbal traditions use turmeric to "invigorate the blood." Turmeric is the main anti-inflammatory herb of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda uses turmeric to treat diseases of the liver and to relieve inflammation. Laboratory tests have found that turmeric is antioxidant and antimutagenic (13,14), that is, it potentially helps prevent new cancers that are caused by chemotherapy or radiation used to treat existing cancers. Turmeric in the diet may help prevent the pain of arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis. The antioxidants in turmeric fight atherosclerosis by deactivating platelet-activating factor (PAF). This protein seals leaks in blood vessels by stimulating the growth of a protein "net" on which a cholesterol plaque can form. Curcumin in turmeric helps prevent hardening of the arteries in people who have diabetes, and also helps stop the loss of protein through the kidneys. In the laboratory, the antioxidants in turmeric kill cultures of cancer cells from the skin, bloodstream, and ovaries. Curcumin may stop the action of a liver enzyme that activates environmental toxins into carcinogenic forms, and may be especially useful in deactivating the carcinogens in cigarette smoke and chewing tobacco. Turmeric in the diet increases the production of enzymes that digest fats and sugars, and stop cholesterol from forming gallstones.
Self Heal - There is a German saying, "He needs neither physician nor surgeon who has self heal to help himself?, and that sentiment seems to be confirmed as modern medicine studies one of the most commonly used healing herbs in the world. Chemical analyses have shown that heal all has antibiotic and antiseptic properties that are effective against herpes and e. coli, among others. It is astringent, and helps slow and stop bleeding both internally and externally.
It has shown promise in treating AIDS and tuberculosis and some forms of cancer.
Self Heal is the subject of cancer and HIV study. Study how that old natural remedy transformed in a promising new treatment.
Self Heal, in addition called over or perhaps all-heal over, has long been utilized in natural medicine by European, Chinese, and North American national healers. However now, scientific interest in that plant is evolving as study shows that it has anti-tumor and anti-virus properties. Lots Of studies spotlight the plant’s promising use as an anti-cancer and anti-HIV (human being immunodeficiency virus that could result in AIDS) treatment.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Best Herbal Tea for Anxiety

Anxiety Renovation Tea

  • Valerian - Is well known in helping to relieve stress, and may also reduce psychological reactivity during stressful situations, as well as significant reductions in stress severity.
  • Kava Kava - Clinical Studies have shown that kava kava are effective in the treatment of anxiety at sub clinical and clinical levels, anxiety associated with menopause and anxiety due to various medical conditions. Herbal Remedies, including kava, have been shown to be effective as alternative treatments, at least in mild to moderate cases of anxiety.
  • Chamomile - Is often used to relieve anxiety because it has a relaxation effect. It acts as a sedative, without causing the usual drowsiness associated with sedatives. Chamomile is packed full of phytochemicals that can be helpful for anxiety and depression. Many panic attack sufferers have found chamomile tea relaxing.
  • Orange Peel - Helps fight stress, nervous tension.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The best herbal tea from Head to Toe!

Head to Toe

Ingredients: Shitake Mushroom Powder, Ginseng, Bee Pollen, Noni Powder and Cranberry Powder
Shitake Mushroom Powder-
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Fights Free Radicals
  • Helps fight cancer
  • Has powerful antioxidants
  • Heart healthy
  • Helps manage blood glucose levels
  • Has anti-cancer properties
  • Memory enhancement
Bee Pollen-
  • Contains more than 96 different nutrients
  • Benefits immune system
  • Builds resistance to allergies
  • Increase energy & endurance
Noni Powder-
  • May block bad cholesterol
  • Has pain relieving properties
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Loaded with antioxidants
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
Cranberry Powder-
  • Relaxes blood vessels
  • Prevents plague from building in arteries
  • Maintains urinary tract health.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The best tasting healthy alternative to coffee!

Roasted Herbal Coffee

Ingredients: Organic Maca Powder, Organic Roasted Chicory Root, Organic Dandelion Root and Organic Roasted Carob.
  • Caffeine free.
  • A great tasting, healthy alternative to coffee.
  • The similarity to coffee is amazing!
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Effective Migraine / Pain Relief by Renovation Tea

Migraine / Pain Relief

Ingredients: Feverfew, Passionflower, Peppermint and White Willow Bark.
  • Feverfew - Is an anti-inflammatory, so it works much like ibuprofen. It is also believed that the herb may inhibit chemicals that cause the blood vessels in your head to spasm.
  • Passionflower – It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and pain killing properties. Great for migraine!
  • Peppermint - There’s evidence that peppermint may reduce spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, which can relieve headache symptoms, says Audrey L. Halpern, M.D., the director of the Manhattan Center for Headache and Neurology. What’s more, “neurochemical changes in the brain brought on by headaches can also affect the part of the brain that stimulates nausea,” says Halpern. And peppermint has been shown to ease a queasy stomach.
  • White Willow Bark - Is an especially popular herb for headache because it works much like an aspirin, relieving your headache pain as well as arthritis pain and causing the inflammation to go down.
Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!