Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Enhance Your Libido

You're gonna love our Male and Female Libido Teas!

Male Libido Renovation Tea
Ingredients:  Saw Palmetto, Muira Puama, Epidedium Leaf and Ashwagandha.
Saw Palmetto - has the potential of promoting healthy libido by triggering healthy biochemical processes in the prostate. 
Muira Puama -  Is an aphrodisiac for men, can be used to fight impotence and helps sexual performance, increases libido. 
Epimedium Leaf - Can increase sperm production and stimulate sexual desire and used to enhance male sexual performance.
Ashwagandha -  Is used to restore male libido, cure impotence and increase male fertility.

Female Libido Renovation Tea
Ingredients:  Epimedium Leaf, Oatstraw, Shatavari Root and Gingko
Epimedium – Increases libido. 
Oatstraw - Can be used as natural aphrodisiacs.
Shatavari Root - Is exceedingly effective in improving fertility. It tones and nourishes female reproductive organs and greatly regulates ovulation and normalizes hormonal secretion. 
Gingko - The active ingredients, ginsenosides, are again believed to facilitate the release of nitric oxide in blood vessels that increases blood flow to the clitoris resulting better orgasms. Gingko is known to possess phytoestrogen activity and is believed to help the body adapt to stress, which again helps female libido.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Best Herbal Tea for Overactive Thyroid

Overactive Thyroid "Hyperthroidism" Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Bugleweed, Lemon Balm, Motherwort and Amla

Bugleweed - Has historical use in treating overactive thyroid conditions. According to Dr. Sharol Tilgner, a naturopathic physician and author of "Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth," bugleweed works by blocking the conversion of thyroxin, also called T4, to the more potent form of thyroid hormone, tri-iodothyronine or T3. Bugleweed also affects thyroid stimulating hormone, or TSH, a pituitary hormone that communicates with the thyroid gland and helps regulate thyroid hormone production. Bugleweed can also alleviate a rapid or irregular heartbeat -- common symptoms with hyperthyroidism.

Lemon Balm - Helps treat anxiety, restlessness, irregular heartbeat and irritability, typical experiences with an overactive thyroid. Lemon balm works on various stages of thyroid action in the body: by affecting the influence of TSH, preventing the synthesis of T4 and inhibiting the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver. Additionally, lemon balm blocks the action of auto-antibodies -- immune complexes that stimulate the thyroid gland and are typically overabundant in Graves' disease, the most common form of hyperthyroidism.

Motherwort - May strengthen the heart, and so it may also be especially helpful for heart ailments are a main feature of hyperthyroidism.

Amla - May reduce T4 and T3 concentrations in hyperthyroidism. Amla is also utilized in formulas to treat diabetes, cataracts and cancer.

Add a teaspoon of honey and a splash of lemon to make this a great tasting, very healthy tea.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Remove heavy metals and other toxic agents from your body

Alzheimer Renovation Tea

Don't wait until it is too late!

Ingredients: Cilantro, Cat’s Claw, Gingko Biloba, Coriander Seeds and Lemon Peel.
  • Cilantro - Removes heavy metals and other toxic agents from your body (such as aluminum).
  • Cat’s Claw - Can stop the beta-amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer's disease from forming in the brain.
  • Gingko Biloba - Memory enhancement.
  • Coriander Seeds -  Reduces the accumulation of heavy metals in the body, which helps in preventing Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss.
  • Lemon Peel -  Treats and prevents vitamin deficiencies.
Directions for use:
Place one bag into cup, fill cup with hot water and steep for about 15 minutes.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fight Free Radicals and So Much More !!

BodyGuard by Renovation Tea
Ingredients: Red Clover Blossom, Mistletoe, Garlic, Turmeric and Self Heal

Garlic - Is an herb that you cannot take too much of. Dr Richard Schulze, the master herbalist and successful natural healer, strongly advocates the liberal use of garlic to aid and strengthen the body. He has even gone as far as to say that if he is to use only one program or food for healing, it would be garlic. That’s how powerful garlic can be as an herbal remedy for cancer.
Garlic is truly one of the most powerful herbs for cancer fighting, as well as battling other diseases. When you are seriously ill, then the more garlic you are eating/drinking, the better. If you have cancer, you are best off eating 8, 12, 16, 20, or even more cloves per day. Having reeking garlic breath is a small price to pay for beating cancer.

Red Clover Blossom -  Is another useful tool in using an herbal treatment for cancer. It is a powerful anti cancer herb. If you have cancer, the more red clover you are getting, the better. Studies have suggested that red clover isoflavones are more effective in reducing heat flashes than pharmaceutical preparations, and can delay bone loss associated with osteoporosis. Red clover also appears to reduce the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, limit the progress of benign prostate
hyperplasia and reduce the buildup of plaque that causes heart disease.
Mistletoe - Several European studies have demonstrated that cancer patients who consume European mistletoe experience increased survivability and improved quality of life, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Studies also show relations to cancer prevention, and the outcomes have been promising. For example, a study published in June 2008 in "Cancer Letters" found that mistletoe led to the death of human leukemia cells in vitro. In fact, the authors mention that mistletoe is one of the most popular
chemopreventive herbs used in alternative medicine therapies.
Turmeric - According to the UMMC, turmeric may help to treat prostate, breast, skin and colon cancers. This fragrant spice restricts blood flow to malignant tumors; turmeric's potent antioxidant effects also help to strengthen and protect healthy cells. Turmeric may also help to ease nausea, indigestion, fatigue and secondary infections associated with chemotherapy.
Most herbal traditions use turmeric to "invigorate the blood."  Turmeric is the main anti-inflammatory herb of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda uses turmeric to treat diseases of the liver and to relieve inflammation. Laboratory tests have found that turmeric is antioxidant and antimutagenic (13,14), that is, it potentially helps prevent new cancers that are caused by chemotherapy or radiation used to treat existing cancers. Turmeric in the diet may help prevent the pain of arthritis, bursitis,
and tendonitis.  The antioxidants in turmeric fight atherosclerosis by deactivating platelet-activating factor (PAF). This protein seals leaks in blood vessels by stimulating the growth of a protein "net" on which a cholesterol plaque can form. Curcumin in turmeric helps prevent hardening of the arteries in people who have diabetes, and also helps stop the loss of protein through the kidneys. In the laboratory, the antioxidants in turmeric kill cultures of cancer cells from the skin, bloodstream, and ovaries. Curcumin may stop the action of a liver enzyme that activates environmental toxins into carcinogenic forms, and may be especially useful in deactivating the carcinogens in cigarette smoke and chewing tobacco. Turmeric in the diet increases the production of enzymes that digest fats and sugars, and stop cholesterol from forming gallstones.
Self Heal - There is a German saying, "He needs neither physician nor surgeon who has self heal to help himself?, and that sentiment seems to be confirmed as modern medicine studies one of the most commonly used healing herbs in the world. Chemical analyses have shown that heal all has antibiotic and antiseptic properties that are effective against herpes and e. coli, among others. It is astringent, and helps slow and stop bleeding both internally and externally.
It has shown promise in treating AIDS and tuberculosis and some forms of cancer. 
Self Heal is the subject of cancer and HIV study. Study how that old natural remedy transformed in a promising new treatment.
Self Heal, in addition called over or perhaps all-heal over, has long been utilized in natural medicine by European, Chinese, and North American national healers. However now, scientific interest in that plant is evolving as study shows that it has anti-tumor and anti-virus properties. Lots Of studies spotlight the plant’s promising use as an anti-cancer and anti-HIV (human being immunodeficiency virus that could result in AIDS) treatment.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Looking for a tasty way to lose weight?

Weight Loss Lemonade by Renovation Tea

Try this tasty weight loss drink just in time for the summer!

Ingredients:  Green Tea, Kelp, Oolong and Acai

Green Tea - Contains high levels of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which is a type of antioxidant. EGCG increases thermogensis, the rate at which energy in the form of calories is converted into heat, by affecting enzymes in the metabolic process. This means consumption of green tea makes the human body burn calories at a slightly higher rate, aiding weight loss. If energy in the form of calories from food is burned, it's not stored on the body as fat. So with a higher rate of calorie burning, fewer calories are stored in the body as fat.  Green Tea also contains caffeine, which also increases thermogenesis. This means the effect of drinking green tea is a higher rate of metabolism from different two chemical components.
Kelp - Is believed to stimulate a thyroid hormone which is responsible for boosting metabolism.  Kelp also contains alkali. Alkali is important to the body for it to maintain a proper pH balance which is essential for ideal function. When your body is balanced, your metabolism and digestion are more likely to work at optimal levels.
 Oolong - Increases in the fat burning process, and actually blocks fat absorption at the same time.
Acai - Is filled with vitamins and minerals that can aid in weight loss, building muscle and increasing overall energy-and is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, fiber and other plant compounds that can increase your health.

By the pitcher instructions: 
Pour about 2 cups water into small pan and bring to boil.  Next, place 3 bags into water and cover, let steep for about 30 minutes.

Pour into one gallon pitcher, half full of water.  Run more water over the tea bags until the pitcher if full.  (This will help get all the beneficial ingredients from the bags).

Slice one lemon into 5 to 6 slices, squeeze each slice into tea then drop the lemon slice into the tea.  Allow to chill for several hours.

Drink one (1) glass before each meal. 

By the glass instructions:
Place bag into mug and pour 8 ounces boiling water over bag. Cover and let steep for 4 to 5 minutes.  Remove bag and allow to completely cool.  Squeeze one or two lemon slices into glass, pour tea into glass and enjoy. 
 Health benefits of Lemons:
Lemon juice, when taken regularly in the morning, acts as a tonic to the liver and stimulates it to produce bile making it ready to digest the day's food. It is also thought to help dissolve gallstones. Because of its high vitamin C content, it is thought to help prevent and treat many infections, hasten wound healing and temper down high fever. Lemon juice also relieves symptoms of asthma, tonsillitis and sore throat.
It also helps speed up weight loss. Drinking water with lemon for weight loss is also an effective way to help eliminate toxins, clean internal waste, and promote energy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February is Heart Healthy Awareness Month

We have several teas for such an occasion:

Super Healthy Tea-
Ingredients: Green Tea, Spinach Powder and Parsley

Helps Boost Immune System
Helps in Prevention of Cancer
May aide in the prevention of Arthritis, Migraines and Rheumatism
May lower risk of Stroke and Heart Diseases
May have Diuretic Properties
Loaded with Antioxidants!

Heart Healthy Renovation Tea-
Ingredients: Hawthorn Leaf & Flowers, Willow Bark, Alfalfa, Yarrow Leaf & Flowers and Ground Flax Seeds.
Hawthorn Leaf & Flowers - According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, hawthorn leaf and flower extracts may help treat and manage milder forms of heart failure, during which the muscles of the heart weaken, and the organ is unable to pump blood effectively. Hawthorn also improves the shortness of breath and fatigue associated with heart disease. University of Maryland Medical Center also states that hawthorn may also help reduce the number of medications required for heart disease patients. However, the herb may also interfere with certain heart medications and hence should not be taken without consulting a doctor.
Hawthorn may also help lower the blood pressure, especially in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Willow Bark - In theory, willow bark may be a safe treatment for promoting heart health in people at risk of a heart attack or stroke. According to Mayo Clinic, daily aspirin therapy can be a useful intervention for serious cardiovascular diseases. Because willow bark acts as a natural precursor to aspirin-like compounds, it may be a safe, naturopathic alternative. Potential willow bark users should consult a health care provider about the relative benefits and risks of this form of the therapy.

Alfalfa - According to a 1987 study published by the National Institutes of Health, alfalfa seeds help lower cholesterol levels in patients with high cholesterol and triglycerides. The study found that patients given alfalfa seeds saw a drop in their total cholesterol levels as well as their low density lipoprotein levels. Tea made with both seeds and leaves may help lower cholesterol levels.
Antioxidants are substances that can protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, highly reactive chemicals that can change the structure of molecules, causing mutations. Antioxidants can slow, prevent or repair damage to cells. Cells that are damaged may mutate into precancerous or cancerous cells.
Yarrow Leaf & Flowers - May lower blood pressure slightly, and could make the effects of any prescription drugs you take to lower blood pressure stronger. 
Ground Flax Seeds - Numerous studies have been done on the effect of flax on heart disease, yielding many positive findings. Flax has been found to help reduce total cholesterol, LDL levels (the bad cholesterol), triglycerides. Flax helps to reduce clotting time and thereby reduces the chance for heart attacks and strokes. Regular intake of flax protects against arrhythmias and helps keep the arteries clear and pliable!
Blood Clot Renovation Tea-
Ingredients: Yarrow Leaf & Flower, Tumeric, Hawthorne, Ginger and Ginkgo

  • Yarrow Leaf & Flower - Helps to improve cardiovascular conditions, partly by regulating blood pressure and purifies the blood. It also simulates the circulatory system. 
  •  Tumeric - May help prevent hardening of the arteries in people suffering from diabetes.  According to UMMC, turmeric tea can reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol. Additionally, compounds in turmeric can prevent cholesterol from building plaque on artery walls. Because of turmeric's mild antiplatelet activity, it may also theoretically prevent blood clots, a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. 
  • Hawthorne - Are used as heart disease herbs. Not only can they help to regulate your blood pressure but they can also break down cholesterol and fat, both of which contribute to heart disease. They also help dilate coronary blood vessels so that your body is able to utilize oxygen, blood and nutrients more efficiently throughout your entire body. 
  • Ginger - Blood clotting is ordinarily an important part of good health, preventing excessive bleeding. Blood cells called platelets and proteins in your body form a clot over an injury until it's healed. Sometimes clots form inside blood vessels and don't resolve, leading to potentially life-threatening clots in veins and arteries. Studies such as one published in "Thrombosis Research" in 2003 have shown that ginger is an effective anti-coagulant. Researchers in Australia found that gingerol was a more effective anti-platelet agent than aspirin.
  • Ginkgo - According to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, ginkgo improves the flow of blood throughout the body. Because of its effect on blood, ginkgo is traditionally used for blood vessel disorders, blood clots, circulatory issues and high blood pressure. These are serious health issues; only use ginkgo as treatment for them while under the care of a professional. People who suffer from leg pain caused by clogged arteries may also benefit from ginkgo. One study in "The American Journal of Medicine" by M.H. Piffler and E. Ernst found that ginkgo significantly increased the distance patients with claudication could walk without pain.

Blood Pressure Renovation Tea-
Ingredients: Hawthorn Berries, Parsley, Coriander, Flax Seeds and Basil

Hawthorn Berries - One of the ways in which the berries of the hawthorn tree may help to lower your blood pressure, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, is through dilation. It appears that flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, nutrients in the flavonoid family, help dilate the blood vessels. When your arteries dilate, or widen, that can decrease the amount of resistance your blood is met with while flowing through these vessels. This should improve your circulation and lessen the amount of pressure on your arteries from your blood, decreasing the stress placed on your heart and reducing your risk of heart failure, heart attack and stroke.
The hawthorn berry appears to eliminate plaque. As plaque begins to form along the arterial walls, the blood vessels narrow. But the flavonoids found in the berries of the hawthorn tree seem to prevent the plaque from forming along the walls and reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein--the bad cholesterol--in your bloodstream. With less plaque, your blood pressure falls.
Parsley - Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements, which help maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition.
Coriander Seeds - Is very helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. It also works as good diuretic.  This is effective natural treatment for high blood pressure.
Flax Seeds - Can help you regulate your blood pressure. Flaxseed provides 1.6 mg alpha-linolenic acid, or 100 percent of the daily value for this omega-3 fatty acid, per tablespoon. This heart-healthy fat may lower your blood pressure, according to the Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center.
Basil - Decreases cholesterol protects the heart muscle and blood vessels and even is said to thin the blood to prevent strokes. It has also been reportedly used to treat stress-related high blood pressure by decreasing adrenaline levels in the body.

Cholesterol Renovation Tea-
Ingredients: Basil, Psyillium and Alfalfa.

Basil - Active ingredients include flavonoids, procyanidins, tannins and essential oil, and basil has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hypolipidemic actions. A study by S. Amrani and colleagues published in the December 2006 issue of "Phytotherapy Research" tested an extract on animals with induced high cholesterol. The study found that basil has very high antioxidant properties and significantly reduced LDL. After seven hours, treated animals had 79 percent less LDL than the control group. The reduction of LDL was accompanied by an increase in HDL, or good cholesterol, which removes cholesterol from the tissues to the liver, where it is then eliminated in bile acids. This study shows the link between antioxidants, LDL reduction and lowering the risk of atherosclerosis. Basil should not be taken for long periods of time.
Psyillium - Has long been recognized for its potential role in reducing blood cholesterol. As early as in 1998, the FDA already approved a health claim on psyllium.  Studies have shown that psyllium husk is effective in lowering total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein or LDL (the bad cholesterol) levels.
Alfalfa - Alfalfa is an herb high in compounds called saponins that may interfere with lipid breakdown and absorption in the gut, lowering cholesterol. Other compounds may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol balance by regulating bile synthesis in the liver. Natural coumarins have been shown to counteract stagnation of blood in the vessels and stabilize blood vessel membranes, reducing leakiness. In one clinical study, the seeds reduced cholesterol levels in humans.
Alfalfa contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones, which can have a moderate estrogenic effect in the body. Isoflavones are also found in red clover and in soy products, and are touted today as a safe alternative to estrogen supplements during and after menopause. It is not uncommon for Asian women to consume up to 200 mg of isoflavones a day in the diet, far higher than the average 10 or 20 mg that is common among North Americans and Europeans. Some research suggests that isoflavones may be partially responsible for the lower rates of prostate and reproductive cancers found in Asia, and possible the lower rate of undesirable menopausal symptoms, though this has yet to be proven in high-quality clinical trials. At the recommended dosage of alfalfa, the estrogenic effect is not likely to because side effects usually associated with synthetic estrogen supplements, and may provide a protective benefit when used regularly.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Detox Your Immune System

Several times per year we should all detox our immune system.  By doing so we can flush toxins from our bodies and strengthen our immune systems. 
Lymph Node Detox
Ingredients: Cleavers, Echinacea and Calendula

Cleavers - Is possibly the single most effective herbal tonic for the lymphatic system. Aided by properties as an alterative, a classification of herbs once referred to as "blood cleansers," and a diuretic, meaning it helps the body flush out toxins through its urine, cleavers help with the detoxification of the lymph nodes on multiple fronts. When ulcers or tumors result from poor drainage of the lymph nodes, cleavers are particularly beneficial. They're also useful for adenoid problems, tonsillitis and swollen glands in any part of the body, all of which are other common symptoms of poor lymphatic drainage.

Echinacea - A common ingredient in many popular herbal cold remedies for the same reasons that make it a potent lymphatic cleanser, echinacea is a powerful antimicrobial that kills viruses and bacteria and fights infection. Echinacea helps strengthen certain kinds of cells in the lymph nodes called macrophages, which filter the toxins out of the lymph.

Calendula - Helps cleanse the lymphatic system in a number of different ways, including helping reduce inflammation, strengthening the immune system and relieving fungal infections. Its anti-inflammatory action can be used to reduce inflamed lymph nodes. Its immune support helps keep the lymph nodes consistently filtering and flushing toxins from the system. Its properties as a cholagogue, increasing bile flow, and a depurative, purifying the blood, also help move detoxifying lymph through sluggish lymph glands.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Do you suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome?

Rested Legs Renovation Tea is formulated to help combat the symptoms, giving you a restful nights sleep.  Our ingredients are 100% Organic-

Skullcap - is very relaxing, a good nerve tonic, aides with spasms.
Chamomile - Bisabolol, the active chemical compound in chamomile, may offer antispasmodic benefits, easing the muscle contractions associated with restless leg syndrome. It is also a mild sedative, which may promote restful sleep.
Valerian - May offer naturally tranquilizing effects, reduces nervousness and anxiety and diminishes sleep disturbances while controlling nighttime motor activity.
Butcher's Broom - Has become popular for the treatment of restless legs and other conditions, mainly affecting circulation. It helps improve circulation and blood viscosity. It contains a phytochemical known as ruscogenin which may inhibit the enzyme elastin and help stabilize blood vessels. It has also been used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins and swollen legs.
White Willow Bark - Which is a potent pain-relieving herb can also be quite helpful in managing the discomfort of RLS. White willow bark is a known alternative to pharmaceutical pain relievers which may greatly improve the symptoms of RLS.
Helpful tip:  Rub cream onto your legs at bedtime to aide in getting a very restful nights sleep.