Thursday, May 24, 2012

Effective Herbal Glucose Tea

Glucose Support Renovation Tea

Ingredients: Cinnamon, Bitter Melon Fruit, Gymnema Leaf and Gingko.

  • Cinnamon- Can regulate blood sugar to help keep it at healthy levels
  • Bitter Melon Fruit- Help manage some of the symptoms of diabetes. The juice or extract from the unripe fruit can lower the levels of blood sugars in the body.
  • Gymnema Leaf- Helps the pancreas to produce Insulin in Type 2 diabetes. It also improves the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type I and Type 2 diabetes. It decreases cravings for sweet.
  • Gingko- May be one of the best herbs for helping maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Renovate Your Health One Bag At A Time!

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